Please Forgive Me Sweetheart
Thursday, July 14, 2011, 0 speaks

You forgive me for liking you too muchh
and I 'll forgive you for not liking me enough

You forgive me for missing you so
and I'll forgive you for being so cold

You forgive me for the loud racing of my heart
and I'll fogive you for not hearing it

You forgive me for playing your games
and I'll forgive you for toying with my emotions

You forgive me for finding you so attractive
and I'll forgive you for not noticing 

You forgive me for raising you up so high 
and I'll forgive you for bringing me down so low

You forgive me for wanting to be with you
and I'll forgive you for avoiding me

You forgive me for being so pathetic
and I'll forgive you for taking advantage of it

You forgive me for not being able to let go 
and I'll forgive you for never having latched on

You forgive me for having hopes and dreams
and I'll forgive you for crushing them

Forgiveness brings inner peace
do you have a deal??

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